Iced Summer

Tea on the beach

Iced tea is easy, tasty and refreshing accompanied either by simple ice cubes or as accompanying refined cocktails. Infuse a tea bag in 1 liter of water. Let cool and add some ice.


Pour préparer votre thé | Verre
Teapots | Glassware
€30.50 Unit

Iced Teas and infusions

Green tea | Litchi, Grapefruit, Peach, Rose, Jasmine
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags
Green tea | Peach, Peach blossom
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags
Green tea | Wild strawberry, Melon, Mint notes
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags
Green tea | Ginger, Lemon, Passion fruit
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags
Green tea | Lemongrass, Kiwi, Cucumber, Apple
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags
Fruit infusion | Hibiscus, Raspberry, Passion fruit
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags
Black Tea | Rhubarb, Strawberry
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags
Out of stock
Herbal Tea | Rhubarb, Raspberry, Strawberry, Date, Orange blossom, Rose
€7.50 6 enveloped tea bags

A take with you

Bowls/mugs/cups/tea for one | Travel mugs
€30.50 Unit
Bowls/mugs/cups/tea for one
€30.50 Unit
Bowls/mugs/cups/tea for one
€30.50 Unit
Accessories | Pouch tea bags holder
€7.50 Unit
Accessories | Pouch tea bags holder
€7.50 Unit

About iced teas and infusions